Page 12 - Prospectus
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In  line  with  the  vision  of  the  Institute  to  achieve
          excellence  in  professional  education,  the  PSIT  Career   PSIT Career Enhancement Program
          Enhancement  Program  'emPOWER'  provides  students
          the apt training designed to improve earning potential   Technical Skills
          and increase job skills required in today's workplace. As a
          quality conscious Institute, we realize that there lies a   To  enhance  the  technical  skills  of  a  student,  Technical
          significant gap between the academia and expectations of   Training module incorporates: -
          the industry. The PSIT Career Enhancement Programme
          has been professionally designed to fill the existing gap in   •  Experimental  Learning:  include  problem-solving
                                                                 exercises  to  address  community  problems  or  create
          the  best  interest  of  all  the  stake  holders  viz.  industry,   innovative products.
          students, parents and the society & nation.
                                                               •  Self-Guided Learning: The self-guided culture allows
          The Program has been carefully crafted to transform the   for  personalization  to  mitigate  the  inadequacies  of
          budding  technocrats  into  dynamic,  responsible,  and   one-size-fits-all learning models.
          productive professionals, who are capable of adapting to
          the  changing  needs  of  the  industry  and  society.  This   •  Interdisciplinary Coursework & Projects: Creating
          objective  is  realized  through  holistic  development  of   integrated  programs  where  teachers  from  different
          intellectual,  mental,  physical,  emotional,  and  social   disciplines come together to teach thematic courses
          abilities in students. Students are trained to reflect on   that address issues from multiple perspectives.
          their actions and how they impact the global and local   Keeping  in  sync  with  Industry  requirements  and
          community while going through a series of experiential   Emerging Technologies, the Technical Training program
          learning from the community around them.
          It primarily focuses on three major aspects of Student's
          Personality: Technical Skills, Corporate Skills & Soft Skills.   Problem Solving Approach
          This helps students to inculcate qualities pertaining to   Data Structure & Algorithm Applications
          Higher  Productivity,  Reduction  in  Learning  Time,
          Technology Update and Effective Management.               Object Oriented Concepts

          Corporate Skills                                          System Design

          The  objective  of  Corporate  Training  is  to  enhance  the   Programing Languages:  C++   Java   Python
          performance and productivity of students by reinforcing   RDBMS
          existing  competencies  and  developing  new  skills.  The
          Corporate Training Program includes                       Hackathon Based Training

              Verbal Ability                                        JD Specific Training
              Quantitative Aptitude                                 Training on Emerging Technologies

                Logical Reasoning                                       Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
                                                                        Data Science
                Game Based Aptitude
                                                                        Big Data & Blockchain
              Cognitive Aptitude
                                                                        Cloud Computing
           Soft Skills                                                  Cyber Security
                                                                        DevOps & Design Thinking
          The  objective  of  Soft  Skills  Training  is  to  enhance  the
          personal  attributes  that  influence  how  compatibly  one   Edge Computing
          can work or interact with others.                             Internet of Things (IoT)

                                    Research & Innovation

         Centre of Excellence                                 Advanced IOT Lab
         AI & ML                                              Designed to provide students with hands-on
         In collaboration with                                experience  in  the  development  and
         Ikigai Lab and Algo8:AI                              implementation of IoT devices and applications. it
                                                              has  state-of-the-art  equipments  and  softwares  that
                                                              allow students to work on real-world projects, from building
                                                              and testing sensors to developing apps and software that interact
                                                              with connected devices.

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