Page 23 - Prospectus
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HR Conclave

          'Yukti'                                                      HR Conclave

          Saturday, 8  April 2023

                                                                         Theme: “Future of the
          PSIT Hosted a  remarkable Event- Yukti 1.0 on April 8th 2023-  a   Workplace: Skill Sets
          grand HR Conclave having HR Experts from Varied domains.            & Attributes”
          The event focused on knowledge sharing and Insights to the
          young  campus  ambassadors  themed  “the  Future  of  the
          workplace: Skill Sets & Attributes”.

                         To p i c :   A r t i   i c i a l   I n t e l l i g e n c e   -
                         Transformations  in  the  working  of
                         corporate world

                         Mr. Meka Venkata Chalapathy
                         Senior Director & Talent Management
                         Topic: Future role of Talent Development

                         Mr. Amit Ranjan Prasad
                         Head - Talent Development          Esteemed  Of icials  from  MNC's-  Virtusa,  TCS,  Wipro,  HCL  were
                         TCS India (North)
                                                            Invited  to  be  a  Keynote  speaker  at  this  momentous  event.  The
                                                            speakers delivered keynote speeches on topics which are Arti icial
                                                            Intelligence and how it is impacting the current workings in the
                         Topic:  Factors  In luencing  Employee
                         Productivity                       corporate  world,  Work  Life  Balance,  Productivity,  Diversity  and
                                                            Inclusion at the Workplace. An audience pool of 1300 students were
                         Mr. Ashish Bhalla                  a part of Yukti 1.0.
                         Director - HR
                                                            Industry  leaders  from  Distinguished  companies-  Palo  Alto
                                                            networks,  Silicon  Labs,  Autodesk,  Sopra  Steria,  NCR,  Gainsight,
                                                            Hitachi,  Service  now,  Kantar,    Schneider  Electric,  Hexaware
                         Topic: Workplace Diversity and Inclusions
                                                            participated in Panel Discussions and enlightened students about
                         Dr. Lavanam Amballa                the work ethics, Right competencies and skill sets one must possess,
                         National Head- Campus Hiring       bases  their  own  abilities,  Values  to  bring  into  an  organization,
                                                            adaptability and many more…

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