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Life @ PSIT

       Staying within the premises of the institute for eight hours is all about organized academic activities together with fun filled leisure. The aroma
       of roasted coffee beans at the in-house cafeteria with some special friends is just awesome. A lush green campus keeps our students close to
       nature. Within a healthy body rests a healthy mind. Thus, the nutritious meal provided in the mess keeps the students hail and hearty to study
       hard for a prosperous future.

                          Students' Testimonials

                 Amit Gupta                          Ankita Tiwari                        Jaya Trivedi
                 B.TECH - CSE                        B.TECH - ECE                         BBA
                 Placed in: Paloalto                  Placed in: Amazon                   Placed in: Upgrad
        My journey at PSIT Kanpur has been nothing short of   My time at PSIT Kanpur as a B.Tech ECE student has been   Enrolling in the BBA program at PSIT-College of Higher
        extraordinary. The Computer Science and Engineering   an  incredible  journey  of  learning  and  growth.  The   Education was a transformative experience for me. The
        department provided me with a solid foundation in both   program is well-structured, offering a perfect blend of   curriculum  is  well-designed,  blending  theoretical
        theoretical  and  practical  aspects  of  the  field.  The   theoretical  knowledge  and  practical  application.  The   knowledge  with  practical  insights.  The  college's
        college's  emphasis  on  hands-on  learning  through   teachers are experts in their fields and are always ready   emphasis on skill development through various training
        projects  and  internships  prepared  me  well  for  the   to provide guidance and support. I am grateful for the   programs has been a game-changer for me. I am proud to
        industry. I am grateful for the supportive environment   opportunities and experiences I've had at PSIT Kanpur,   say  that  I  have  secured  a  position  in  a  reputed
        and the opportunities that PSIT Kanpur has offered me,   which have prepared me for a successful career in the   multinational company, and I attribute this achievement
        which have been instrumental in shaping my career.  industry.            to the quality education and support I received at PSIT-
                                                                                 CHE. It's a place where dreams are nurtured.

                 Gitesh Tripathi                     Srivastava Abhishek Chandra          Pankaj Chaurasiya
                 B.TECH - IT                         MBA                                  B.PHARM
                 Placed in: Leaders Tech              Placed in: Jaro Education           Placed in: Zifo RnD Solutions
        PSIT Kanpur has been a transformative experience for   My  MBA  journey  at  PSIT  has  been  transformative,   I extend my heartfelt gratitude to PSIT for nurturing me
        me.  The  state-of-the-art  facilities  and  the  dynamic   providing  me  with  invaluable  insights  and  skills  that   during  my  B.Pharm  journey.  The  college  has  not  only
        curriculum in the IT department have greatly enhanced   have  propelled  my  career  forward.  The  faculty's   equipped me with technical knowledge but also honed
        my learning experience. The teachers are approachable   expertise  and  the  personalized  attention  they  give  to   my soft skills, making me industry-ready. Director Sir and
        and always willing to go the extra mile to help students. I   each  student  are  commendable.  The  placement  cell's   my mentors, have been a constant source of inspiration
        owe my successful placement in a leading tech firm to the   dedication  to  our  success  is  evident  in  the  excellent   and guidance. Their commitment to student success is
        comprehensive education and support I received at PSIT   opportunities they provided us. My sincere thanks to the   evident in the personalized attention and opportunities
        Kanpur.                             entire  PSIT  family  for  being  my  pillars  of  strength   provided to us. I am honoured to be a part of the PSIT
                                            throughout this journey.             legacy and am confident that the education I received
                                                                                 here  will  pave  the  way  for  a  successful  career  in

                 Ananya Shukla                       Shivangi Tiwari                      Sanidhya  Shukla
                 B.TECH - IT                         MCA                                  BCA
                 Placed in: Amazon                    Placed in: BNY Mellon               Placed in: Pyramid Consulting
        I  am  proud  to  be  a  part  of  PSIT  Kanpur's  vibrant   Studying  MCA  at  PSIT  Kanpur  has  been  a  rewarding   I feel privileged to have been a part of the BCA program at
        academic community. The college's focus on innovation   journey. The curriculum is designed to keep pace with the   PSIT Kanpur. The curriculum is well-structured, covering
        and research in the field of computer science has been   evolving demands of the technology sector, providing a   all essential aspects of computer applications, and the
        truly inspiring. The collaborative environment and the   strong  foundation  in  both  software  development  and   faculty  members  are  incredibly  supportive  and
        emphasis on practical skills have equipped me with the   management. The teachers are truly the backbone of this   approachable.  The  college's  emphasis  on  hands-on
        tools to excel in my career. I am thankful to PSIT Kanpur   institution, offering personalized attention and fostering   learning and the availability of modern labs have been
        for nurturing my potential and helping me achieve my   an environment of innovation and critical thinking. The   instrumental in my understanding of complex concepts. I
        goals.                              numerous opportunities for practical exposure, through   am confident that the education and experiences I have
                                            projects  and  internships,  have  been  invaluable.  I  am   gained  here  will  serve  as  a  strong  foundation  for  my
                                            grateful to PSIT Kanpur for shaping me into a confident   future endeavours in the IT industry.
                                            and skilled professional, ready to make a mark in the IT

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