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About PSIT

        There is a future we believe in, fostered by strong souls   of 30 air-conditioned buses.
        and  inventive  minds.  We  believe,  the  way  to  usher  in   PSIT offers various courses in Engineering, Pharmacy,
        change,  is  to  empower  young  minds  with  stellar   Business  Management  and  Computer  Applications.  It
        education, thus creating the enablers of tomorrow.    provides  a  stimulating  environment  for  intellectual
        Since its inception in 2004, PSIT stands out as a premier   development,  free  thinking,  and  personal  growth,
        centre  of  higher  learning  with  a  mission  of  pursuing   challenging  its  students  with  dynamic  learning
        excellence  in  education  and  research.  The  academic   opportunities  and  equipping  them  with  the  skills,
        departments, with their diverse and dynamic community   insights,  attitudes  and  practical  experiences  that  are
        of students offer a distinctive combination of some of the   necessary to take up responsibilities in the society.
        finest  undergraduate  and  postgraduate  courses,    The  brilliance  in  academics  and  research  activities
        accomplished  faculty,  world  class  facilities  and  a   comes  from  the  vigilant  selections  of  most  capable
        residential campus set on a sprawling 120 acres of sylvan   faculty  members  in  which  PSIT  has  not  made  any
        surroundings.                                         compromise.  The  exceptionally  excellent  and

        The award-winning campus of PSIT was envisioned to be   experienced teaching fraternity motivates the students
        aesthetically  appealing  and  designed  as  the  best   to achieve the highest standards of brilliance in their
        environment  friendly  campus  in  North  India.  We  are   courses. With its fascinating team, PSIT Kanpur has been
        committed to provide our students a clean and healthy   on  an  engrossing  path  of  consistent  growth  and
        environment.  25,000  Liter  per  hour  RO  Water  Plant,   development for 19 years.
        1350  KW  Solar  Power  Plant  and  a  three-chambered   Every year, placement portfolio of PSIT sets new records
        Vermicompost Plant (which is capable of converting the   through  its  outstanding  placements,  that  keeps  our
        entire campus's waste into organic fertilizer) are some of   students  motivated  towards  carving  a  niche  for
        our endeavours towards this commitment.               themselves  in  the  professional  sphere.  The  institute
        PSIT  is  a  home  to  exquisite  state-of-the-art    ensures  that  the  PSITians  remain  competitive  and
        infrastructure  which  includes  auditorium,  modern   influential leaders throughout their careers.
        workshops, high-tech labs, spacious seminar halls, well   At  PSIT,  the  students  get  a  unique  opportunity  to
        stacked libraries with digital access. The fully centralized   establish themselves in their chosen field of study that
        AC campus is equipped with internet leased line of 1.5   enables  them  to  become  capable,  responsible  and
        Gbps (STM-1)  with 500 MBPS backup line, 24×7 Power   discerning citizens.
        Backup and efficient transportation network with a fleet

                                            Approvals & Accreditation


                                                                                             BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION
                                                                                              UTTAR PRADESH, LUCKNOW

                             Four U.G. programs at Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology, Kanpur have been accredited by
                             National  Board  of  Accreditation  -  the  apex  body  that  validates  the  assurance  of  quality  in
                             professional and technical disciplines. The four programs that have acquired the NBA accreditation
                             1. B.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering)
                             2. B.Tech (Information Technology)
                             3. B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
               B.Tech.       4. B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering)
          (CSE, IT, ECE, ME)  NBA  accreditation  ensures  enormous  bene its  to  all  stake  holders  viz.  students,  faculty,  staff,
                             management,  industry,  society  and  nation.  The  process  of  achieving  NBA  accreditation  for
                             remaining programs is on full swing and very soon, the remaining programs are also expected to
                             achieve NBA accreditation.

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